Rialc11yFood and ADHDI read that some foods affect some peoples ADHD. Is there any truth in this? Have you found food that make your symptoms worse?134
Rialc11yMinor Victory I just did half of the washing up! Proud of myself, task avoidance means my dishes pile up, but today they aren't as bad as there's only half left to do now!511
seadria3711yDishwasher I only load as many dishes as I’m willing to unload. Smaller loads on the 30 min wash cycle. Once the sink is empty, the rest of the kitchen is a breeze 38
CGCrimsonLily341y20 years, finally closureI was really close to 6-7 of my friends from high school. Shortly after graduation, they ghosted me with no explanation. Then Monday I got an invite to our 20 year high school reunion from one of the...1518
sahri11yHow do you deal with task avoidance?I usually plan my work and personal life down to every detail of every little task. I’m actually perceived by coworkers and friends as a very organized person and I have productivity systems for every...65
lilmushroomgal11yOrganised mess?Anyone else’s desk at work really messy? I’m a very clean person (thankfully 😅) but omg things can get so messy really quickly because of my ADHD. My work desk has been described by multiple colleagu...195