addelliedog avatar
2 years ago


I was recently diagnosed and have an appointment in a few days time to decide if I want to try medication. I have found since the diagnosis I am kinder to myself and apps like this are starting to help me get a handle on my behaviours. I am currently thinking I will try medication just to see if it works for me but would be interested to hear other people’s experiences!

trixienixie avatar

I’m glad to hear you’re kinder to yourself now. I think being officially diagnosed (in march of this year) helped me forgive myself for things I used to take harder. I’be taken adderall before and while it helped substantially it gave me heart palpitations (I’m very sensitive to meds) right now I’m on a combo of Prozac (for anxiety) and Wellbutrin (off label ADHD) and it seems to be helping. I hope you find a combination that works for you. My strategy was to start at the lowest therapeutic dosages and only take one at a time till I had a good grasp on how that made me feel

kabatty5404 avatar

I went for years redusing to even get diagnosed because I was not going to take medication. I finally just couldn't do it anymore and the first day I took Vyvanse, my world changed. That's not to say meds are right for everyone!!

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