jazz.y11yWhat to do when life is boring + love life down the drain?I am severely under stimulated at the moment but my adhd brain is like I have to get up and do SOMETHING but I have nothing to do. I’m always in either in executive dysfunction, or in a state like “I...1410
topee11yI found my wizard spell for body doubling I struggle doing tasks on my own and feel like I could be doing something more productive even when I need to the task. But podcasts genuinely help me. My brain is stimulated and it makes the start so...79
lil’frog11yGot sickI guess I caught cold yesterday But I pretend that everything is fine and continue to study in order to deceive my body21
kirmesimKopf11yBody doubling I have adhd and big problems in getting things started. I will do nothing for the whole day and just watch as my to do list is getting bigger an bigger. My sister is also diagnosed with ads and we fou...45
Lorelei88 61yMaking plans Do y'all's friends ask you to do stuff or are you the one always asking them to hang out? I've noticed over the last few years that if I'm not the one asking to hang out I don't get contacted at all e...84
jazz.y11yAnyone else have bipolar + adhd? for me it’s been such a nightmare to have both. I can’t take any adhd medicine because it’ll make my mania so much more worse, and bipolar will sort of go hand in hand with my adhd too, because I’ll b...107
howlly11yCollege without MedsSo I am going back to college, (this is legitimately my 3rd try), and I'm really worried about getting what I need to done. I am already a good bit behind, and completely over whelmed, even with just...45
tamitoomuchtodo141yissues in relationship with spouse or S/O?Been married 22.5 years. Last 6 years has been very hard. Before being diagnosed and receiving meds, I was so “busy” every second of every day that I had zero down time. Vicious cycle started with the...44