Dyslexia but with numbers?
I'm definitely not dyslexic with letters/ words. I don't mix up letters while reading and am a fast reader (paying attention to the information and committing it to memory is a whole other thing, though lol). However, with numbers, I frequently misread digits, write/ read them in a different order, transpose them, etc. I also skip over numbers when I see them in readings just as a default. If something has statistics data, my brain just blips it out. I'm not sure it's Dyscalculia because I can do basic mental math, remember my times tables well enough to get around, and count backwards. Could just be me not wanting to deal with numbers due to trauma from being screamed at during math homework and subsequently never asking for help again? (Asian parents lmao) It's mostly the mixing numbers in order and not being able to recall sequences of numbers. I never recall the last digit of my license plate even though everyone tells me it's so easy to remember?? Anyone experience this?