lilmushroomgal11yCoordination and direction issues?This might be because of my dyscalculia , but ever since I was little I’ve always struggled with coordination and finding my way around places. It takes me a good couple of goes to get used to and fin...54
adhdartist2023211ySome ADHD humor for y’all This is me to a T. Transitions can be challenging, so if I sit down after using up a bunch of executive functioning, it takes a lot to get me to move. Anyone else feel this way?37
auroradraconia11yDoing work in my favorite environmentsFor me personally my favorite place to be in the world is within nature. For example, the beach or a cozy forest, even the country on land wherever is peaceful and doesn't have too many different thin...57
searching4me121yA little bragging moment #proudToday I figured out that since August 14 2022 I have lost 40 pounds! I haven't even been trying, I've been focusing on healing myself and being more mindful of my actions. I have been more active and...310
ashdeehdee281yChronic pain bluesOne of the biggest challenges I’ve found with having ADHD and chronic pain is when your body and brain can’t function in unison. Like, today I’m highly motivated to get things done, but I can’t physic...44
megmav11yLosing motivation to workAuDHD here. After graduating from college last year, I’ve been trying more to work. My problem is that, after a few months of working at any given job, I usually almost completely run out of steam an...31
ohboyitsj11yCleaning out cupsHow do you guys manage to clean out cups and stuff out of your room. It is a little disgusting but I frequently have cups sometimes even still with liquid in it sitting on my desk for days, and it’s j...64
ViciousMilk181yLost my meds?? Does anyone have any tricks to help when they’ve lost their meds. House thing stole them and I’m struggling. 42
iamashfully11yADHD appsHow many different apps, planners, etc have you started using only to break your streak, fall off the wagon, and give up? One of my ADHD superpowers is my ability to get super organized and start th...56