Task/App Burnout
Has anyone else’s task list gotten too long that it feels discouraging? Any advice? This app has really been helping me since I started a month ago, and I have a 30+ day streak going. I do 60-100% of my routine items daily (which is a HUGE improvement), but now all of the non routine tasks/projects are just sitting there not done, with the days accumulating in red, and I am feeling discouraged and just like I don’t have my crap together at all. The tasks just feel never ending (thanks adulting!). My divorce trial is also looming at the end of the month after 2 years of BS, and about 30% of the tasks relate to that, so perhaps it’s contributing. But it’s never been more vital for me to get my stuff together for a few weeks and I just don’t know how to suck it up and do it 😖