Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT
1 year ago

Task/App Burnout

Has anyone else’s task list gotten too long that it feels discouraging? Any advice? This app has really been helping me since I started a month ago, and I have a 30+ day streak going. I do 60-100% of my routine items daily (which is a HUGE improvement), but now all of the non routine tasks/projects are just sitting there not done, with the days accumulating in red, and I am feeling discouraged and just like I don’t have my crap together at all. The tasks just feel never ending (thanks adulting!). My divorce trial is also looming at the end of the month after 2 years of BS, and about 30% of the tasks relate to that, so perhaps it’s contributing. But it’s never been more vital for me to get my stuff together for a few weeks and I just don’t know how to suck it up and do it 😖

demeter987 avatar

I have too many lists in too many places, plus paperwork piles and emails which I've "starred" to be actioned, etc... It's definitely overwhelming. Sending positive vibes your way.

Mzmoonshine avatar

This tends to be a regular thing with me. It’s helpful that this app will break each task down into the smallest steps, but then it does tend to look like an awful long list once it’s all written in front of you. The prioritising feature on here really helps me as I can choose to only look at the top one or two tasks at a time. I’m sorry to hear of your divorce too. It’s been 4 yrs since I left my narcissitic ex and I’ve been so poorly, with several new diagnoses aside of also now discovering ADHD in myself and my children, so that my 20 yrs of paperwork against my ex is all still sat in a drawer, nicely out of sight/mind… whilst my narcissitic ex, with help of his new younger model gf, has filed against ME now! But I actually no longer care- it’s just a peice of paper to me, in the grand scheme of things, these days he can no longer get to me or effect me in any way. I won’t let another minute of anxiety over it steal more of my precious time and life-energy away. He took more than enough. Anyways, you can be certain that the more anxious you are over any task, the more ADHD will try to see you not completing any part of it. And divorce has to be right up there on the list of anxiety provoking situ’s for sure 😅 💯. Best of luck to you moving forward with it all x

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Thank you so much for sharing! I’m so sorry to hear. I have a little guy, and it’s definitely weighing on me what may happen if we do go to trial bc it’s just a crazy situation. (Which seems kinda normal in divorces). I don’t want to be back with my ex and he tells me all the time that I do and that I’m not over him, but truly, the only reason I want anything to do with him or any information from him is bc it effects my son. I’m going to try breaking the tasks up smaller. I wish the prioritizing worked better for me. It’s time consuming and when I autoprioritize the timed tasks are out of order, and it seems like it brings the oldest tasks to the top, which I can somewhat understand, but I definitely am not getting to any of those tasks before the morning routine for the zoo I have, which they shuffle to the middle or bottom.

piotr avatar

hi, divorce is a big thing even if you trying to be chill about it - its a defence mechanism. I would recommend an accountability partner for that or delegate to others as much as possible now to clear things out. I have this often with my house and decided to have a cleaner even if i always deny about it - it literally clean up half of my to do list in head

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Thank you piotr! This is my first time living on my own really and renting so I hired a house manager which does help. I can’t imagine how much worse off I’d be without her. But it also feels like a bit of a failure (like why do I not have a dishwasher and am afraid of washing dishes 😆) I had a garage sale last month which eased my mind about clutter and some tasks, but in the scheme of things, the amount of time I put into that task was way less important than the divorce tasks and work tasks I’ve been avoiding. I think I’m paralyzed by fear and sadness that I won’t have my son half (ish) of the time 😞 I think an accountability partner would help a lot. Any advice on how I go about getting one? 😅

shikaka avatar

Hey Sam, sometimes I feel the same. My list of things is never ending. With many things to do is easy to procrastinate the important stuff. For ne Splitting the task into smalltalk taks has helped a lot. Because it makes it easier to start. And most important, dont hate yourself if you Mesa up! Tomorrow is a new day!

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Thanks so much shikaka! I definitely spiral that everything is wrong in my life when one thing goes wrong or I am in a funk for a day or two. I’m going to try to give myself more grace, and trying to break down the tasks. I’ve always had long to do lists that I never finish. After this divorce is finally over, I hope that my life will finally be calmer and there won’t be such monumental big stressful things for me to tackle 🤞

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