kingyoatama11yBack to WorkAm I supposed to be relaxed, going back to work after vacation? People tell me: "Now that you're charged up you can finish your task with a breeze" But I really just dread all the tasks that have been...23
lilli_ann91yCat!here’s my lil baby boy for all of your motivation today! i hope whatever you are trying to achieve today works out for you ✨412
ameliabjorn331ybingo timedid you lose in life and get all 3? What's your personality type? I'm between INFJ-A and INFP-A, it depends if it's hot or not (it's a joke, Kyle) 1019
ParabolicHeater201yMotivation So I guess in order to stay motivated I should do a a highly rewarding activity, then do one that is less rewarding. It’s funny, since I was having my students do this in my sped class but now I see i...24
arieladhd11yAnyone taking fungi to treat ADHD?I’ve been reading about Lion’s Mane mushrooms as a good natural supplement for ADHD symptoms. Anyone have experience? 44
arieladhd11yWhy do private tasks become public? Am I the only one this happens to? I check off a private task- it could be something personal- then next thing I know it appears in the squad feed and there’s no way to delete those posts. It’s really...52
stefka13x11yI have this supplement called elevate (aventera) and let me tell youIt's pretty amazing for me. You can definitely tell when it's in my system and when it isn't. I'll be real quiet and calm and still. Without it, I'm all over the place. Anyone else try it? 72
rattomomma81yQuitting social mediaI always think I can manage scrolling/social media use when I go on. I really can’t, it makes my symptoms worse, and affects my success. SM is an emotional crutch and an addictive one at that. I’m fin...5254
jam98911yHelp!How do you guys feed yourselves?? I never have an appetite and when I do I can never make a decision on what to eat or have the energy to make anything! 😩😩😩106