urizen141yHack of the dayToday, I bring you an app that has been very helpful for me in maintaining focus on the task I’m doing. It’s called Endel. On one hand, it helps me isolate myself from the noise around me, and on the...411
wishsomeoneknew21yMoney ImpulsivityI have been recently diagnosed in my 60’s! I’ll save my feelings about that for another time. Anyway, as I’m working through all my emotions and realizing that I’m not a lazy procrastinator with an in...75
rainbowtoady351yCan you turn subtasks in to regular tasks Some times a realise my sub tasks need there own sub tasks! Is there anyway to convert them in to regular tasks if they get too big22
21yAuDHD study tips?Hi everyone, I am Afton. I was 32 when I got diagnosed with ADHD and 33 when I was diagnosed Autistic. I recently went back to college and I am struggling hard to figure out a study method that works...3
pimenta171yphone jailI just spent $20 on a phone lock box. My phone addiction has been out of control the past week. Blocker apps don’t work, I always find a way around or just unblock. It’s arriving in a couple days. In...33
adhdspartan41yNight Owl or morning joy?Wondered what the % of people who have ADHD are night owls, and why?1510
SoCalGran131yContact Numo!I lost my squad! There is no one there. And there is no way to contact the makers of this app. Anyway, I can’t find it anywhere. Now I’m really frustrated.4