Meditation, binaural beats, napping, asking my husband and child for quiet time for 10 minutes, going for a walk, taking a bath, watching a funny video, it depends on what it is that’s making me feel overwhelmed or over stimulated. Different strategies work better for different kinds of stress. Sometimes I just don’t want to be touched, sometimes it’s too much sound, sometimes it’s too much stress. Like am I physically over stimulated, mentally over stimulated, or emotionally over stimulated? Find a solution that gives you a break from physical touch or physical activity if you’re physically over stimulated like by children climbing on you too much. So like a bath is a good option. Emotional over stimulation is like if something made you angry and you can’t turn it off or you’re dealing with annoying people, then meditation can be a good strategy for calming emotions. If it’s mental over stimulation because you have too many things on your plate and you just can’t absorb anything anymore, then going for funny videos or a walk can help. If everyone and everything sucks and you can’t tell which one it is then it’s likely more than one. Have a snack and a nap.
I need space, alone time, and if it’s noise related, my Loop ear plugs. I wear earbuds when I’m watching TV so I can hear what’s happening and drown out all the other noise.
Loops are literally the best. I’ve got engage and I get easily overstimulated by noise. So if I’m having a moment I either immediately leave the room and stare at nothing for an hour, or prevent that from happening by wearing them in loud places. Bro I wore them in a concert, and I could literally hear conversations around me when others could hear nothing, and I could enjoy the music as well!
My top 3 mechanisms have to be listening to music, journaling and affirmations. Listening to music allows me to clear the thoughts in my head and lets me focus on the songs so that way I have a better chance of calming down. Journaling lets me recollect my thoughts on the events that took place and it helps me understand what my thoughts are. Creating affirmations helps me keep my mind on the positive side and acts as a reminder so that if I run into a similar issue, I can always refer back to it. Hope this helps!
Industrial headphones! Closing my eyes if it's visual. Rocking. Going to a quiet dark place and curling up like an egg. Crying. Shower. Weighted blanket. Rocking back and forward.. Nest sensory bean bag. Butterfly hug. Having deep pressure from my boyfriend just laying his whole bodyweight on top of me (not in a sexuql way at all, just the pressure and hug feeling is extremely soothing). Playing with my cats. Listening to music. Journaling. Blowing bubbles outside. Screaming into a pillow. Training jiu jitsu most nights.