Messystic avatar
11 months ago

Love this app’s AI

After getting pregnant with my first child I’ve been really tired for the last two years. Now re-learning how to enjoy things and do tasks that I aspire to do. This apps AI really helps me to break unclimbable mountains of things into short walks and small baby steps. Makes it manageable. Today I finally finished a rough draft for my new article. I feel inspired. Maybe one day I’ll be able to fully enjoy my hobbies and start new ones ✨

Love this app’s AI
KatyMc avatar

This is awesome 🥰 if you haven’t yet, check out the lessons they have, I’ve never seen so much useful info for us adhders in one place 😊😊

Messystic avatar

Thank you, I will

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

This is very inspiring!

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