BrandiTheGreat41yAny advice? Mom always guilting me for things she doesn't understandI'm 44 and had to move back home after a disaster marriage (he ended up being schizophrenic, but hid it until he couldn't anymore. The voices were too hard to ignore. ). Plus I'm a disabled veteran o...75
Kalechip231yListening to my bodyI am typically pretty hard on myself when I don't have energy or get things done but today I decided to listen to my body and went for a walk, when I got home I had energy to clean and it was a great...56
tiffanitwysted281yChallenges…?So, I’ve lost my desire to open this app now that the challenge feature is gone for me…anyone else? 64
jaydestayhumble11yWorking out A lot of people say exercise helps boosts your mental and i wanna get into working out. Anyone know the best exercises for a slim women with a fast metabolism (hard to gain weight) 85
ParabolicHeater201yNumo HackMy Numo hack is on repeat. It keeps advising me to make a playlist. I’m wondering if it’s artificial intelligence is aware that I haven’t done that yet? 44
auroradraconia11yDaily exercise Ive started a new daily exercise of writing down 3 positives every morning to start my day off right and it has made an immense difference on my attitude and happiness on a daily basis. 37
bambi11yhow do i stop myself from talking to much?i honestly feel like i talk to much and i think its because no one really listened to what i had to say growing up and my mind races 24/7 so i feel like i have to speak out my every thought. any tips...33
adhdandelion61yWhat to say to “adhd is a superpower!!”whenever i’ve opened up about my diagnosis to neurotypical people in my life, i always get the “but its a superpower!!” response. I dont know how to respond in a way that doesnt come across as rude si...41
daddydancemoves11yWhat does your morning routine look like?What sets you up for living your best life? What habits do you struggle with maintaining?42
GayDumbassery11yDo y’all ever just… ALike brain just like screams for a minute and andjsjjshsdbabakskskdj and then ur good24