Sputterbee11ySo little sleep but so much energy... How is it like this, I want sleep but I'm awake and can't sleep but I want sleep. Aaaaaaagh34
pinkmess171yADHD Community & Bionic ReadingI have reached out to Numo about their bionic reading ad and the fact that it is not available. I will try to keep you, the community, updated with my conversations with them. I asked them if they had...112
adhdandelion61yMedical Anxietydoes anybody else experience one medical anxiety and is it ADHD related? whenever i experience certain symptoms that could br explained by very normal stuff, my immediate reaction is to go to the wors...32
adrian_lifterWL41yHow do I always feel under appreciated. I feel so try control everyone’s emotions around me by doing good things for them. I do many tasks. I will verbally prop people up and I will shower people with gifts and it’s okay for most the time b...64
sillysadee11ySchool anxietyI’m very nervous for school to start up again, it’s my last year of HS. I’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and over the summer I’ve found myself getting more and more unfocused and scatterbrained...41
crystabelle11yA hundred tabs open on computerI’m always embarrassed when someone looks at my computer because I have about a hundred tabs open all at once and people are usually horrified. Things I part read and think I’ll come back to, or thing...1111
11yHow do I change text to match the ad?The whole reason I downloaded this app was the the text tool it advertises, but I don’t see it or any other tool like it? Help? 1911
stefka13x11yAnyone take that Mensa practice test? Scored pretty high without preparation or paper for the word problems.. finished it in 22 minutes. Breezed through the first 40 questions in 8 minutes. Is it even worth scheduling the actual test? Jus...21