School work piling up and idk what to do
For some reason I have no motivation to to do my homework for school and it’s causing me to get behind. When I try to do it it feels physically hard to do it especially with English homework. Every time I get to a part where I have to give a short written answer my brain just blanks and it feels like I can’t do it. I don’t know if I just don’t understand the questions that well or if it’s adhd/anxiety stopping me. I’ve tried tons of things to help but things just keep piling up and even the thought of trying to do it overwhelms me so much that I feel like I’m gonna cry. It feels like everyday is going by so fast and I have no time to get anything done. I’ve been staying up trying to get myself to do something with my homework but I end up just sitting there for hours doing nothing and only getting like 4-6 hours of sleep. It’s just been getting really hard to keep up with everything because I have so much going on right now in and out of school.