tania avatar
1 year ago

How it feels for you when the pill starts working?

Hi, squad! I'm rewatching a film Limitless (you know, when a loser writer gets a magic pill and suddenly feels clarity of mind and starts to be successful). And this is very similar to how my ADHD pills work for me, how I feel it for myself. That scene when he enters his flat and starts to clean everything up.... I feel the same power and energy to do my home chores (which I hated to do all my life). No brain fog. I can think with the same furious speed as I always do but it is much clearer and much more structured. I can take one thought from the thoughts flow in my brain and I can stick to it and expand it in my head. Without pill my thoughts are popping up fast and randomly just like pop-up windows in PC. So, I'm interested how do you feel about pills influence on your ADHD symptoms, what do feel, how can you describe it? Describe by metaphor if prefer. Please, share your thoughts

goolia84 avatar

My adderall doesn’t seem to affect me at all. No med has ever given me the clarity ppl describe their meds giving them. It makes me sad.

tania avatar

It's really sad. Did you try to change the dose?

pimenta avatar

Honestly people like me more when I’m off of it, my friends say I’m funnier. I’m a bunch more serious and quiet when it kicks in. My eyes don’t feel like they are constantly rolling around lol

pimenta avatar

I don’t really feel anyway about it tbh. I need it to get my day started and to handle overstimulation.

tania avatar

Do you like to be unmedicated more? How it affects your productivity?

pammy!! avatar

Hey Tania, thanks for sharing and really interesting how the meditation is working for you . Day 5 for me . I feel much calmer and not so scattered or anxious to get everything done at once . I am interested to see how it may effect my concentration at work . I am hoping it helps 🙏.

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