shugrseerup51yMood phasesHave you ever had a phase where nothing seems interesting and lost motivation to get back on track with your hobbies, e.t.c? If so, how did you manage to break free?21
Ryevlantheditz211yExecutive Dysfunction at its finest Does anyone else have trouble prioritizing and balancing even the simplest of tasks? I will juggle between prioritizing two very simple things for about the time it would take me to complete them. How...1621
bubblesbling111yUsing Google MapsI use Google maps ALL THE TIME. I need to go somewhere: I set it up on my phone so I can see the ETA of the destination! That was I know what time I will make it there based upon when I leave. It give...1523
bubblesbling111yPassage of TimeAnyone wake up like **goodmorning beautiful world!** And suddenly it's 3pm. ... Like 5 minutes later??610
peachyy181yTell me you have ADHD with telling me you doThought this would be a fun one, I’ll go first ▪️Worked as a vet nurse for 2 years (absolutely loved it) then got overwhelmed in the place I was working and threw me off so I quit & decided to study...133
messymama131yPrinter happy.Anyone else have an obsession with printing out things you “need” and then forgetting about them? No? Just me? I have made myself so many planners 😆 3035
hey.its.lota51yRapid thoughtsSo I tend to think about things in terms of relation, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Like at one point I’m looking up recipes for thanksgiving and soon I find myself researching video ga...52