MorgoMess141yMary Jane helps my ADHDI’m a daily smoker and seriously don’t know what I’d do without her. THC helps me focus, keeps me calm, and improves my sleep. Anybody else use this for their ADHD? 💕126
keiranugget11ySome problems Sometimes I will just lie on the floor and do nothing, so how do I try and get myself doing something? Like when I get in the zone I’m super motivated and focused, but when I am at home, I literally c...25
stefka13x11yI have never been more happy in my lifeI forgot what it was like to not be around a toxic work environment. I forgot what it was like to be appreciated in the work place. Thank God. 214
monkeeandthebee11yExecutive decision failure I can't seem to tackle my tasks. I do everything BUT what I need to do.... any tips? 44
PunishingSmile121yBody Pain/Adjustments So for a good decade or so i have had body pain(other than regular) learnt a lot of it was posture issues. Been fighting wirh my feet hips and shoulders for 3 to 5 years straight. Went to a podiatrist...84
ParabolicHeater201yDrained So, I work as a behavior therapist and i visit my client at their center. All the kids are small so they cry a lot( especially at the end of my shift), it’s very much like a domino effect. I never tho...44
wildtazmom31yFearI have a fear. My family is being evicted. We have to be out by next Monday. I have no family or friends support, nothing. Section 8 ruined our lives. Apartment management and Section 8 had been gasli...31
sar131021ycleaninghonestly idk if anyone else has this problem but i can’t clean my room i always get too overwhelmed and just can’t go through with it does anyone have any advice for this34
slayyydhd11yAny one else?Wish that bust of pure determination and focus you get from tidying up 10minutes before someone is coming over was a power you could summon on demand? 🥲 imagine what I could achieve lol23