Can't get started
How do you guys get past that "I really need to get started now" hurdle?
How do you guys get past that "I really need to get started now" hurdle?
I often use a method I learned from Mel robbins, she also has adhd and calls it the nasa method. You just count down from 5,4,3,2,1 and then get up to do the thing right away without giving yourself time to think about not doing it. I swear it works for me every time ( remembering to do it is another thing) although I don’t really understand why 😅
I’m the worst procrastinator and it’s worse if you think I will take my adhd meds and watch a bit of YouTube while they kick in and then it’s 4 hours later. I find if I take my meds and start the task that is boring, I can usually finish it but it’s the thought of doing it so I nearly always always do something else. Hoping app will help
I start making a list of all the steps involved then check them off as i do them. Add in getting up and getting water or coffee as a step part way through.
Unfortunately I wait until the last minute. Working on Starri g small ahead of time so that I don’t have to rush near the deadline
I find accountability and having someone who understands, can talk to you and help you by being your “buddy” and you both do your own things and check in but motivate each other. I’ll offer stories and advice to my friends “after” a specific task is done as incentive! I’m full of useless information and unbelievable experiences to share. Just never have anyone who will do it with me lol.