Sam ZT361yDay Streak Glitch 😭Has anyone’s day streak reset?! I am at day 70, but must not have checked yesterday, and now I’m a 1 again. It’s said I’ve had 2 freezes for the past 70 days and now it says zero 😭😭😭 I’m so discour...102
gummygummy91yAdhd learning hack?So i have a bad memory. But i love puzzles like the Rubix cube. What gives 🤷🏼♂️ I can learn complicated algorithms but I can’t find my keys. I have solved some of my learning issues but I’m alw...73
gummygummy91yAdhd diet plans?Being in my 30s means my weight likes to stay on and my adhd keeps forgetting I’m kinda tubby. When i hate my weight I workout allot. Get to my goal and then gain it back because I forgot my metaboli...7
CometOfTheNights361yTalking With GhostsDo you find yourself talking in your mind as if you are seriously telling something (for ex. your ADHD), or explaining yourself to somebody? 🫤3725
quirkydelight181yDivergent loveDo you think it is possible for a neuro-divergent person to have a fulfilling, healthy relationship with a neuro-typical person? I'm afraid that I have such intense emotions, especially when it comes...51
rodricklover41yI feel like everyone hates me and i cant STOP thinking about itThe only thing this person did was not answer my text in A long time and my brain automatically concludes they hate me and that everyone thinks I’m weird etc I’m so tired of living like this and idk h...31
michelita221yWhat is your safe food right now?I have been fixated on papaya with cottage cheese, walnuts and honey. I don’t always crave papaya or cottage cheese, but right now I am 🤣56
muhlysahhh9201yJob notice So I have to give my 2 weeks notice to my job and I am a wreck. Not only am I giving my notice but it’s at a small business of close family friends. Not to mention they are already in a staffing bind....52
keekee31yAre adhd meds legal in Ukraine? I’m from Australia and am currently visiting Kyiv. At home I take Vyvanse and dexamfetamine. I trialed Ritalin first and it was horrible for me. If I move to Ukraine will I have to go without medi...7
marelle51yDoes anyone have trouble with friendships ? I’m all alone at this point I only have my boyfriend 81