Been there, have had that! No shame my friend! What I like to do when it gets this bad. Set a timer for so many minutes and go for that long to knock down what you can. Even if it’s two minutes, it’s two minutes of dishes you touched. And if you’re not ready because you’re too anxious by the mess. That’s ok. You can start with just washing whatever you use now right away. I’ve been trying to get in the habit of NOT moving on until I’ve washed what I was using first. So if I made a smoothie, I wash everything I was using before I drink it. When I make my egg bowl at night I clean the skillet, the spatula, the air fryer trays, the bacon rack, and whatever else I used before I eat it. I make the food my reward for accomplishing a job well done. That endorphin kick. It helps! The ONLY thing I STILL struggle with is when I make food and there’s still food left in the pan after. Like when I make beans and there’s still beans left in the skillet. Because for WHATEVER REASON moving it to a storage container is just ONE STEP TOO MANY for my adhd brain! And I put it on my husband! And then get annoyed when I wake up to THIS in the morning. And know I’ll have to clean it all because he gets so overwhelmed by it all that he shuts down from it. We ALL have that area that we just max out.