goodgrooves301dPregnancy and adhd Hi! Has anyone else noticed their symptoms have gotten worse when pregnant? I just can't focus or start a new task, even get from my breakfast table for like 30min after finishing a meal.. 😂 I feel l...33
LookASquirrel81dNumo Task ColorsI’m looking at my list for today and noticed some of my tasks are the default color while others are gray. What does the gray mean?31
ADD&Reb363dPomodoro timer Would it be possible to get a Pomodoro Timer as an ADHD tool added to the App?? That would be SO HELPFUL for me to be able to accomplish tasks and things I set out for each day.106
zeldafan#1🇰🇷265dDo u suggest medsI heard people take ADhD meds, so does my teacher, I have a lot of adhd should I? 2
anya_bitsu255dДе краще купляти Атомоксетин?Всім привіт! Нещодавно остаточно діагностувалася та лікарка назначила медикаментозне лікування. В списку ліків є Атомоксетин (40 мг) з яким я вперше зустрічаюся. Його нема в жодних мережевих аптеках ч...3
sonnek355dNumo app going crazy - help!Hey Numo devs, today the app is a real mess - am I the only one? First, all my weekly routines (those from Monday together with those from Thursday etc.) were showing up at the same time on Sunday sch...21
fAmDiHlDy361wSocialize on numoWhy is it that there is no notifications for responds to comments made in the teams? Makes it hard to be social. Same for team chats.43
thisbisme191wArgumentsDoes anyone get in arguments constantly with their partner? From morning to night, we seem to argue about EVERYTHING. It’s weighing on me heavily. I don’t know how to fix it. 31
Callionymus271wApp crashingHi there ! The app is crashing when I mark the first task of the day. It’s been like that for a week. That’s a bit annoying because it makes the task disappear when I reconnect… thanks for your help !3
Julia from Numo241wIf you are a pro user but facing problems with a subscription This bug is already fixed. Please go to the App Store / Google Play and upload the newest version of Numo (8.5.5).53