whosthat avatar
1 year ago

I cant perceive existing in the future

I always think that i dont exist and my family and everyone i love dont exist in the future bc of my adhd. Does anyone else struggle with this because i am worried all the time and make up future scenarios to convince myself no on is going to die and can never tell if its my gut telling me to be afraid or just anxiety.

ImaGroovychick  avatar

It sounds like a type of disassociation.

gidgetvalentine avatar

I have had this since I was a kid. I found out it was part of C-PTSD. It takes practice and therapy, but you *can* get better. ❤️🙏 Also changing my perception helped me ..... Every new gray hair is exciting to me. I never thought I would exist to adulthood, let alone at the age where I start getting silver hair. Everyday is a gift ❤️

Jazzi avatar

I have experienced some dreams like that, but not as a daily thing. I’m sorry that is something you deal with.

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