ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen
1 year ago

Cleaning my room

I’m an adhd teen who just can’t seem to clean my room. I’ve tried every method in the book. Either I have no motivation or, I don’t know how or where to start. Does anyone have any recommendations?

adhdpanda avatar

Maybe try focusing on one area at a time like make bed then work around tidying around your bed then later do washing

NickBronsonLees avatar

Wow wee! Terrific tips from the comments above 👆 check out angela brown cleaning, clean my space, and clutterbug on YouTube too. Great while working on it all! 🚮 📚 🧽

firefighter12 avatar

Same here. I’m 45, but this is a killer for me still. Having someone nearby, even if they do nothing but make sure you’re working while you talk helps. I tell my daughter to start with 1. Laundry: if you can’t remember clean or dirty, just call it dirty. If you’re like many of us, clothes are all over the room, and they are usually the least difficult to decide where they go. 2. Then sort everything else into 3 piles: “Not in this Room”, “Somewhere in this Room”, and “Trash” After this, you have big piles, but they’re easier to think about without getting distracted. “Somewhere in this Room” is the hardest. If you can arrange your room like it’s a kindergarten class (this is where we do reading time, this is where we do art, this is where we take naps), then that step gets easier. DON’T DO THAT UNTIL YOU HAVE A FULLY CLEAN ROOM!! “Activity centers” like dressing, make up, homework, and bedtime might fit. “Homework” might be a simple board under your bed, and you sitting on the floor or whatever. But when you sort by “where do I use this thing?” It gets easier. When you’re older and have various medications around, sort them by symptom (headache, stomach, eyes and nose, rash, etc). You may have 2-3 headache meds (PM, strong, etc). Same concept: I need to use something that does X. HTH

ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

This is very helpful thank you🙏😊

ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

Thank you for the advice I will try this out.

nothousebroken avatar

I have and always have had that problem. Do you have a parent that could help? My mom is a great (even at now at 37yr old). Point is, I never knew where to start and when I did I made a bigger mess. She would help keep me focused on what I was doing. If not, make it into smaller pieces, start with the closet. Set a timer for 25-30mins. Or just start by getting all the trash out and then your clothes. I’m not sure if any of this will help. If not a parent maybe ask a friend who you trust to help keep you focused while cleaning.

ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

Thank you for the advice I will try this out

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