Jennipurr avatar
1 year ago

Streak loss

Im sooo disappointed that I have lost my 73 day streak!! Am struggling to find the motivation or drive to maintain even a 2-3 day streak now and there is no support in my group. I guess I’m just looking for some friendly words of encouragement or ideas of how I can trick myself to refocus.

nachomama avatar

73 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮 it’s like reaching level 73!!!!! I’m so proud if I make level 1! The great thing is that we don’t go negative levels!!!!

cksquirrel avatar

That’s an awesome streak. Now you know you can do it!

TootieBabe avatar

You are stronger than you know! Hang in there, you can do it!!

francisbacon avatar

That‘s ok sweetheart! Just because the streak is gone doesn‘t make you less worthy! It‘s just a number and I know thinking about it is hard, but keep your head up you‘re doing great! And even 2-3 day streaks are awesome - keep that in mind! Lots of love

lazyoung avatar

I get it. I’d feel the same way. Then I’d remind myself that if I start over again today I’ll be one day closer to beating my last streak, if that’s my goal, than if I started tomorrow. Personally, I’d have to remind myself that the # of days in my steak isn’t as important and there’s # of ways I’ve already grown! We love you! We’re here for you!

moajune avatar

It happens to everyone, even to the most consistent, that is why it’s called streak after all! <3 You could look what would be a balanced treat (moneywise) - something that you crave to der yourself but usually won’t because the effort is too big/it’s expensive/you have to drive too far, wait too long etc.. you could stack major goal rewards for your streak milestones, and if you want to keep it fresh- you should never have the same goal for the same milestone after you may have lost it. And to keep challenging yourself, you can do it like a game show/ you either go home and claim your reward or keep on hustling but may lose it all.. you may ditch that last rule /idea if you notice it doesn’t work for you or don’t apply it to begin with, but ideally this should keep you pushing for higher dreams :)

MaddSue65 avatar

73 days is awesome!! Challenge yourself to beat that record!! You’re human - don’t beat yourself up!! If you can do 73 - I know you can do 90!! You got this!!!

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