Knight Astoria  avatar
Knight Astoria
1 year ago

I need help

I want to become a police officer have for a long time but I never go through with the steps to get there. I have free college through work and can get my criminal justice degree fully free . But I never take that next step I just sit back and watch the world pass by saying I'll do it later. Help me finish th8s one thing in my life please.

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

Be honest with yourself. Do you want to be where you are now one year from now? There isn't a right or wrong answer. If yes, than no worries. Cruise on! If no, take one tiny action TODAY, that will change where you are on July 4, 2024. Your first tiny action should take 10 minutes or less. You can do anything for 10 minutes!

Knight Astoria  avatar
Knight Astoria

Yes I'm applying to Perdue University.

kirmesimKopf avatar

What’s the smallest step you can do to initiate your goal? Start with one thing today and an other step tomorrow! Maybe it’s just because your brain don’t know on what to start? Make a plan with every little step, no matter how tiny it might be - for me this helps a lot of getting started with things cause they appear in small pieces not as a huge monster of a unsolvable task 😂

Mambo5 avatar

Do you know where you want to apply??

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