mysha  avatar
2 months ago

Gaming problems (?)

Hi everyone! So here is the thing: I’m a big fan of gaming, in a healthy way. Like I do work a lot, so I’m not spending days on PS (I’d love to but bills need to be paid). Anyway, each time for some reason it is hard for me to tune myself into gaming. I’d like to play if I have time but for some reason it feels extremely HARD to make this effort turning console on. So I’m just doomscrolling and that’s it 🥲 Anyone else feels the same? Please 😬

ktutkrah avatar

Not exactly the same, but I feel like I get obsessed with a game and then all the sudden it stops being fun for me. Is it possible you just need to change the game you are playing for a while? Also - not sure if this will help - but since I have the problem of starting on other things (that I know I like) I use the “only 5 minutes” rule. I only have to do it for 5 minutes and then I can stop if I really want to. Usually I don’t, but even if I do, it usually snaps me out of the “starting is hard” problem after a week or so.

LionQueen avatar

Yes! I can relate! I miss killing zombies lol

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