1baseballmomof3 avatar
1 year ago


Anyone struggle with memory? Over the past few weeks this has been a HUGE struggle at work! I can’t seem to remember anything! People’s names, meetings I just had, what I am supposed to be working on, nothing! Is it because I am uninterested or other things on my mind? I honestly don’t know. I just sit here staring at the screen, mind blanked.

goodgrooves avatar

Oh, and thank you for the Tody recommendation in a comment on a different post! 😄 It looks really good! 👌😜

goodgrooves avatar

I struggle with that too! Can't remember names, titles of books, I could watch a movie and forget the story the next day. 😃 The same with work.. Just can't remember what I need to doo.. And that's quite ofter. I think it's the overwhelm for me. It's just too much and the brain shuts down and freezes.

neverlookback avatar

I'm not sure what causes or worsens my memory issues but it's definitely a big issue for me also.. my family thinks I'm not paying attention but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I have a hard time remembering short term things usually. I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone. I have the same struggle. Always here if u want or need to chat!

Aquaholic21 avatar

Yep. And I was in a car accident last spring, which made it 2x worse. I had to ask for accommodations at work for reminders/written feedback because it got so bad. I found a lot of it had to do with the distraction of the pain from my neck injury. Had a procedure done last month, and my memory has been down now that the pain is lower. But I’ve learned that “distraction” is actually more complex than I realize. Pain, hunger, emotions, etc. are all distracting, as they take my mind off the present. You might want to look at “internal chatter,” or if something’s overwhelming you to the point of distraction, if that makes sense. Meditation helps, but I have to do the visualization ones. The calm picture makes my mind empty. I can’t do any other kind of meditation, not engaging enough.

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