Anonymous avatar
11 months ago

Glaucoma Specialist

I received devastating news that I have irreversible vision loss damage in my right eye due to late stage glaucoma (I only see black in my right eye). The doctor suspects I have uncontrolled diabetes so I need to check as soon as possible. If possibly, do you have a referral to a glaucoma specialist affiliated with a NYC hospital? I am she’ll-shocked and so so upset. I am only 36 years old and they do not see this before 50 years old. Also, if you know of any glaucoma support groups to recommend, please let me know. Mother to two young daughters.

Kalechip avatar

My dad was diagnosed with this early too and he used cannabis to help maintain it, no idea on doctors in your area but I hope you find someone soon 🙏🏻

cksquirrel avatar

I’m so sorry. I can tell you that my mother was diagnosed young as well, sometime in her 40’s. She has been able to stop the damage and maintain her vision and she’s nearing 80 now. There is hope. There are good medications. One step at a time, get on medication. Keep talking to your doctor. I bet Facebook has a lot of groups you could try out as well for more detailed support. You can do this!

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