xXKenSparkleXx avatar
8 days ago

Goals today....

My goals today are to make a budget and a calendar/schedule for the next week and month... I have no choice but to create a plan for the next month... So today my goal is to figure a good plan that includes all the appointments and the *daily routine* Budgets are important even though they are hard to follow due to ADHD... But I have to follow my priorities cause money is always tight... My goal isn't saving but being smarter with money and less spontaneously spending everything on day 1. *I don't know how to follow routines so I will create 3 types of day for myself.... HIGH ENERGY DAY, Medium energy day and low energy day so I can alternate between the day where I need to push through... And the day I can relax at home and focus on hobbies and the day I can rot in bed cause I'm feeling overwhelmed....

pinksmurf avatar

Bestill Personlig almanakk! De har Klarna, koster ca 300kr. HELT genial! 🙌 Kan designe den akkurat som du vil, laste opp bilder, legge inn bursdager, oppmuntrende ord for uka, masse sider du kan bruke til f eks rengjøring, budsjett, filmer/bøker/steder du har sett/lest/vært. Jeg bruker flest mulig sider til fargelegging ❤️

theadhdmom avatar

Hey there! These are great goals. How is it going? Did u create the 3 types of day?

emillafilipowi avatar

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