adhdchameleon avatar
5 months ago

Laundry basket of doom

This laundry sits here until I run out of clothes in my drawers, but then I tend to dig through the laundry basket to find things to wear. That leads me to beating myself up about it and feeling the “why can’t I just do what I need to do”.

Laundry basket of doom
enigmaticwolf avatar

I feel this 100% i have my entire household baskets in my room at one point- but it was today actually, i was able to get some of it done. You got this. Just throw em in, set a timer, and change em. One thing at a time. I start w my most important clothes.. this way at least what i need is available to me first. I pace myself on the rest- Dont let it defeat you! I know its haunting, but baby steps to it- thats all

Mastery8282 avatar

You don’t want to do the laundry because it’s not a creative task. Our reward system requires that immense reward needs to be guaranteed for us to act. This is how I do my laundry. I have my laundry basket visible outside of my bedroom and right next to the washer. I go to the gym to exercise (zone 2 run and swimming) in the morning and I get back home. Because of the exercise, my focus and attention is enhanced and able to perform less motivating tasks such as for the laundry. Only after I exercise doing the laundry, takes less than five minutes because I can clearly see the next steps as I move the clothes out of the basket into the washer , put the detergent , close the door on the machine, and even clean up. Use the dopamine you get from your exercise to do the things you don’t want to do but need to do 

yellownotepad4 avatar

I put my clothes on top of clothes all unfolded then fold all like a sandwich to then put that sandwich in my drawer

militantducky avatar

I do not fold my underwear, it goes into the drawer as a pile since I'm going to sift through anyway on any given day. I also do not bother turning my shirts rightside out before folding them. And I hang a lot of things.

adhd420queen avatar

I do the exact same thing with my laundry lol

Camilita avatar

I have 3 laundry bags, and 3 baskets. Nothing to wear, obviously, and can never find matching socks 🤪😭 I’m ok though. I can both laugh and cry about it! 🤣

imafinisher avatar

Same. Finally did a big laundry mat visit and got 5 loads done then the mismatched socks.. 🧦 was expected. But the amount was laughable!

jamtart avatar

The laundry bag of doom. This could run and run.

jamtart avatar

The laundry stool of doom

imafinisher avatar

I love this. @wilmohr1951

Wilmohr1951 avatar

This is me! I put laundry into extra pillowcases, one for lights/whites; one for darks & one for towels. That part is good. But then I accumulate pillowcases full of dirty laundry, wonder when I’m ever going to wash them, wash one load & then go through the clean clothes to find something to wear.

jamtart avatar

I love this! My kids have to get their clothes from kitchen because although I do the laundry, I can never be bothered to take it to their rooms.

shaws402 avatar

I hang everything except panties and socks. I also make the 2 older kids do their own laundry and I got them both their own (color coded) towels.

Camilita avatar

I’ve also thought about hanging clothes directly on hangers and when dry -> just straight into the wardrobe… I’d have to get another rod and get rid of the bottom shelfs but i think it could be a winner… 🙃 is anyone doing it exactly like This?

shaws402 avatar

Honestly they are also in my closet by item (short sleeve, long sleeve, pants etc) and color. It makes it to easy to grab clothes to wear

elemyy avatar

I try to hang everything now. Let’s see how it works 😅

nccosta avatar

I completly feel you, its worse when we have kids, but is so overwhelming

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