leilak avatar
1 year ago

How to organise your room?

hi guys, I am new here and I am super disorganized.. my room is chaotic, clothes, papers everywhere. I have also not unpacked from a trip that happened 2 months ago, the bags are still on my floor. I don't know how to get started. I look at the mess and I get very frustrated and always postpone it. I feel that even if I try to organise it, it will not be good enough and it will be a mess again in the next day. Do you have any tips on how to start doing it and how to keep your room organized? many thanks (:

leilak avatar

guys, thank you so much for the tips and support! 💛 It took me some days to get started.. I am a big procastinator 😭 my room is not perfect, but it is much better.. I just have now to figure out how to organize my big pile of clothes in a drawerless closet 😓 If you could share tips for this, I would also appreciate it very much ❤️ many thanks 💛💛

vampiric avatar

i used to clean houses as a side job and what i learned that stayed with me and combining that with what i find needs to be done; STEP ONE: surfaces. trash in a bag and dishes in the sink. everything else like trinkets that doesnt belong on the surface (talking nightstand bureaus tv stand) throw it on your bed for now. get a nice smelling cleaner on a towel and wipe the surface youll be surprised how much builds up there and itll make the room smell nicer after. STEP 2: dirty clothes go in your laundry bin or right outside your door. the goal right now is to get that dopamine boost from having that floor cleared! your bags from your trip, anything else that isnt trash but doesnt belong on your floor throw it all on the bed. trust me! then youll be left with trash, tissues wrappers all in the bin. get it cleared but dont vacuum or sweep yet. STEP 3: onto the bed. dump everything in that trip bag out. dont think about it just pour everything onto the bed. keeps you from throwing it back in the corner. put all those papers in a pile and put em aside. you'll probably have some stuff you can throw in a drawer or throw out, just put everything in front of you where it belongs. no need to be fancy and reorganize your entire room right now, just clear off the bed. now shake any crumbs off your sheets and make your bed, i usually half ass it lol. but now you can sweep or vacuum your floor. look around. boom. dopamine. a space that isnt cluttered helps your brain de clutter. put those clothes wherever they need to be. STEP 4: light a candle and take a shower make some tea and sit on your bed. whatever you wanna do to reward yourself. you deserve to have a clean space and you did it. now, once a week you just have your three steps. SURFACES, FLOOR, BED. only three steps sounds pretty good to an adhd brain!

leilak avatar

thank you so much! It took me some time to get started, but I did! now I have a desk and a clean floor (: My room is much nicer.. I just have now a big pile of clothes in my bed, I have to organize my closet and clothes. but so am not sure how, my closet is not very well designed, it doesn't have drawers and stuff.. but anyways a huge improvement. many thanks 💛💛

Cazzie24 avatar

Get rid of anything you don’t need. Then just start with organizing one draw at a time. Eg sock draw, then underwater draw and give yourself a reward after each small step. It could be a gummy bear or positive self talk. You don’t have to do it all in one hit. Unpack your bag first and think about your reward as you do it.

Stisha avatar

Best tip I’ve ever heard - organizing a room and cleaning it are two separate tasks, so don’t set your goal to do everything in one day 💜 I’ve become into agreement with myself that I don’t need a perfectly organized room. I just have separate drawers/shelves/boxes for different types of stuff I own: hair care products, skin care, medication, socks, home clothes, tech stuff etc. My goals is to know where to find something when I need it, not for it to be displayed as in a museum or organized as an accountant’s documents. Be kind to yourself and adapt your world according to personal needs 🩵🩵🩵

leilak avatar

thank you for the tip! I don't have a lot of drawers. I think I will buy boxes to have my things separated! thank you 😇💛

Alchemist avatar

Try to start another task, maybe the unpacking will be a good avoidance task for the other task!

PostTurtle avatar

I’m about to move into a new place and I just see it becoming a big pile because I have no furniture

sming avatar

I moved 3 months ago and have 1 dresser that's still not assembled 😑

lamentedsorcer avatar

Try the Marie Kondo method and split each task up. Like focus on getting things off the floor then clearing surfaces folding clothes etc

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