wildtazmom avatar
2 years ago


I have a fear. My family is being evicted. We have to be out by next Monday. I have no family or friends support, nothing. Section 8 ruined our lives. Apartment management and Section 8 had been gaslighting us from the beginning of August to now. I have been paying on time for my rent. Now, I have a huge fear. I can't control my fear. I was taken to the court the other day by the lawsuit from the apartment management. I was ordered to pay more than a year's worth of rent. Section 8 did not pay their partial rent. I was angry and upset. The apartment management and Section 8 are no longer in contact with each other because they don't get along well or agree with each other. Their contact was breached. I'm still in the Section 8 program. Now it's harder to find a new place before we get evicted on Monday. I can't seem to take a hold of my fear. How can I survive through the fear?

Hayleythemess avatar

So sorry you are going through this. Maybe talk to social worker or attorney. See if there are any programs where you can have someone neutral look over your case and advise you. Honestly it sounds like section 8 and management is sandwiching you in between their own issues with one another. Thats not ethical for them to do that to you. Def try to consult with an attorney. Good luck!

wildtazmom avatar

What's tuwakkul? I'm Christian but I'm open minded to learn new things. Thank you for your kind words.

ParabolicHeater avatar

That’s a hard one. Ive lived in section 8 and know how gripped in fear my mom would become when she’d hear a letter slide under the door. You gotta remember, even though it must be so hard, you will be ok. I think you’re thinking into the future and maybe projecting things not working out then, or catastrophising. I know apartment companies use fear to mess with section 7 recipients. That’s those individuals giving into evil. I’m sorry you’re facing this without support. I’m a Muslim and learning about tuwakkul got rid of my fears. I hope this helps.

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