nottooserious avatar
1 year ago

Time is running

Hey everyone Some days I‘m very productive and full of energy and motivation. And then there are days on which I do so many rests and after a short time it is evening and nothing is done and I feel exhausted. Is there somebody out there who has experienced the same and/or has some solutions or ways to get along with this? Thx

Sapph avatar

I do this a lot I haven't figured out yet how to get around it but I'm trying to use some of things on here

kabatty5404 avatar

It's really hard. I found that for me, making the list of things I need to do in the smallest steps possible and doing just one will motivate me to do another tiny part. It does not always work, but it helps. I've also realized that checking the thing I did get done off my list makes me feel very positive, even if it is just one thing!

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