does anyone else do this ???

Oh shit didn’t know that was my adhd. I always knew I was a low functioning ADHDer not medicated but I never really knew that I was a low functioning ADHDer until I was out in the world all alone as an adult and holy hell, everything I am, do, love, hate, everything can be traced back to my adhd. It’s fricking nuts
Definitely. It’s how I got through math in K-12. And why my math homework took 2 hours a day to finish.
Yes! It’s like I have certain reference points in my brain and that’s the only way I can do maths things mentally
OMG... YES!!! But, when I try to explain to folks they think I'm crazy. 😂 It's how I know how old I am.
I love the name... I thought about making my name NotSerious ha. I love the similar humour/thought process!
Yesss we need a math masterclass for people with adhd my mind doesn’t understand it the way it’s taught!
What, is that really an adhd thing? I’ve always done it that way but I didn’t realize it was an adhd thing.
That’s my go-to math solution for sure! When tipping. “If 10% of $70 is $7, half of that is $3.50, 7.00 + $3.50 … 15% tip is $10.50 🤪