Dangermouse avatar
1 year ago


Deadlines with big consequences are where I often thrive and will do anything to hit them. In my current job, if I don’t hit the deadline there aren’t really consequences.. the project I’m working on launches late but that only really affects me. How do you apply consequences and follow through with them in this situation? I’m struggling with self-imposed consequences and as a result, the deadlines just aren’t a concern for my rogue brain! Thanks 💪😊

namesarehard avatar

I’ve tried the opposite approach — building in rewards for achieving on time rather than focusing on consequences of not doing it. If the stakes don’t feel high, maybe you could look at trying rewards?

Dangermouse avatar

That’s a great idea, thanks! I’ll try that today 💪👏

paula_mm avatar

Try speaking to your manager about it, that way it may feel less self-imposed. Or what usually helps me is thinking of how these (self-imposed or not) consequences may affect others and not just me or my work.

Dangermouse avatar

Thanks for commenting! I talked to my manager, she’s super understanding but the impact on others is so minor that if the deadlines slip, it doesn’t matter that much anyway 😂 I’ve asked her to be harder with stuff for a couple of weeks to see if it helps 💪

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