chize522 avatar
1 year ago

"I love you so much, Chize!" by me.

I always wished to have someone to talk to me or be curious about me or to be loved by someone. But I always knew that it was impossible since I was born in a strict family, my father and mom always fight each other, they would verbally abuse me and my little sister, and worst thing is that I couldn't escape it all! Like I'm still 15! If I tried to ran away, how would I get food and money! And probably no one wants to adopt me and believe my story... Despite that, I tried to endure it. They always threaten me whenever I amor a mistake which it scares the hell out of me. They are stupid, a bunch of garbages, and sick losers who probably don't know how to love people! I always thought people like that should die. And so, I overthink every bad thing my parents ever said or did to me and I always say "I'm a victim, they would hurt me again, no one would save me, no one would love a child from a heartless parents" And ya know what that came true! But fortunately, all of that changed (not too much but it's enough) after I learn self-love and law of attraction! For anyone who doesn't know what Law of Attraction is, LoA is a law where we attract what we focus on. Just for example, I said that no one will love me, right? Well, it did came true! No one would like to talk to me and everyone is maintaining their distances from me. Why? Because I always think that no one would love me and it came true! Another example is that when you have low score at math, and you think "oh, I must be bad at math" and you thought of that all day long. And before the test, you didn't tried to study. Why? Because you already think that there's no hope even in studying it. And in the end, you get a bad score on the finals. Well, you make your won wish come true! Congrats...? Well, no. That's when I started to change and control my thoughts. It's a bit hard at first, but I got used to it right after! I started to do affirmations (I said "I love you, Chize" like more than 50 times today lol) and always dream of someone talking with me casually. And it came true! I was shocked at first! It took so much energy and effort to finally talk with someone! And about my family, they're still the same as always, but is not that bad because I have friends that supported me and even myself. It's too long to write the details but you should do some research about LoA and self-love! It's worth the try!

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

Good for you!!! I think you are awesome!

wanginit avatar

Def agree with this, great to hear you overcome so much!

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