vintagevixen avatar
2 years ago

Moving in 6 weeks!

Augh! So much to do, so little time, so many squirrels - and to top it off there’s like 3 other mini-fires requiring my attention and emotion right now. My doc is weaning me off of bupropion because of a side effect (I have catathrenia, or sleep moaning, but the other night I literally beat up my partner with my fists and have no recollection of doing it so we are trying to see if it’s the bupropion) , I’m trying to sort out legal issues with my former employer, and the building manager where my retail Shop is, is acting super shady and trying to push a building repair onto my business insurance. Oh did I mention we are in a heatwave too? Help staying focused on packing is appreciated

vintagevixen avatar

I’m not detailed on the box itself, but we do have a written “box log” going where each box has a number, a room it’s from, and a lengthy description of what’s in it. So it might not be on the box itself. But I can definitely find things by the list. I am also trying to put the list description as things that I will recognize as being in the same box - so in my mind I know for example, that I packed my extra makeup at the same time as my hair straightener because they were in the same drawer here. I also know that the bandaids are probably in that box or the one after it because they were in the next drawer down. We have a hotel for moving week, so I am packing a “moving week” bag, and then everything else is able to be put on the truck/pod. Oh, and the pod is also taped off and organized into 2 levels of 8 sections.. so as input boxes in, there is another column on that ongoing list where I say “box 4 is in POD A2”

ADOoooPretty avatar

Wowsers!! That is a LOT! something that will help you in the UNpacking packing process is if while packing you ridiculously specifically label your boxes. That way for example if you don't have your kitchen 100% unpacked, and you really need to find your potato peeler for a meal, you don't have to unpack 5 boxes that are labeled kitchen to find it. You just go to the box that says potato peeler, find and use it, then you can either close the box back up, or decide it will be the next box you unpack. Labeling boxes this way takes a lot of the overwhelming feelings away over future events. I will say though. I totally got fed up with labeling this so specifically, and the last like 4 boxes just had "misc shit" on them😂 ... Misc-ellaneous

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