Vivi83 avatar
3 months ago

Skin-picking and therapie

Is anyone of you a skin-picker and can recommend which kind of therapy was useful? And can you recommend medication?

InTheClouds avatar

You could take up crochet or something else that keeps your hands busy..? (Unfortunately it doesn’t stop me from biting my cheeks, sigh)

Vivi83 avatar

Thanks for the tip. I‘ve bought some tea with Ashwaghanda yesterday. I‘ll see if it helps me

InTheClouds avatar

I have found something that helps me a bit - taking Ashwaghanda with vitamin B (eg Blackmores) seems to calm me down inside and decrease it. Although I’m already upping the dose! 🙄

martin777 avatar

I do that too, like all the time 🙈

fernatherium avatar

Yo me muerdo la boca (mejillas) por dentro, y me rascó muy fuerte la cabeza, incluso me he hecho daño. Lamentablemente esas 2 cosas me ayudan a regularme y me calman. En Terapia lo que he ido aprendiendo es a identificar las cosas que me producen regulación y me llevan a hacer esas 2 cosas, e intento, primero, evitar esos momentos de estrés que me hacen mal; y si no lo logro,utilizar algún juguete sensorial (en vez de hacerme daño en la piel). Los juguetes hay que ir probando cuál te sirve, en el mercado hay muchos. Espero sirva mi comentario, cariños.

MaddiKyCam  avatar

I bite my nails really, really bad!

modasodayoda avatar

I am. BRB let Me put a list together for you

LionQueen avatar

There’s also so much anxiety from going out in public because of this. For the past few years it got really bad and it’s just now starting to get to the point where I have SOME of my confidence back. I haven’t been able to make content and it makes me sad

LionQueen avatar

I still haven’t been able to stop completely. using the hydro colloidal bandages keep me from picking while I’m wearing them but as far as medications nothing makes it go away 100% sadly. I was prescribed topical clindamyacin to help kill bacteria that causes skin infections and acyclovair which is for any form of the herpes virus and even tho I don’t test positive for any stds this medication seems to work.

LionQueen avatar

Living alone is the worst i imagine with no one to stop you or pull you out of that dark place I would be much worse off without my partner there to help me stop.

modasodayoda avatar

Got so relatable. I have always had severe anxiety about going out in public it’s hard not to when you’re a women and I live alone, do & go pretty much everywhere alone, and live in a very major city with a VERY high crime rate but I still managed for awhile (anxiety meds were still required to even walk to My car but ya gotta do)… then the skin picking started it got harder and harder to leave the house and when I did it took hours of prep work, witch craft, spell, sorcery, elbow grease and prayer covering it as best as I could which unfortunately wasn’t good enough because shortly after I was at work one day and got called to the office and to make a long traumatic story short I left the office in tears and unemployed due BECAUSE OF MY SKIN PICKING. I’ve never been more humiliated in my entire life and that’s when I started slowly inching closer and closer to what became full blown severe agoraphobia which I wouldn’t wish on My worse enemy there were definitely some other major life changes around the same time that contributed to the agoraphobia but My bff (My therapist Lynn) & I have determined that was definitely where it started and the main contributing factor but I’ve thankfully conquered My skin picking and almost fully erased the scars it left behind… skill working on the agoraphobia but thankfully the severity has greatly diminished and I can go outside now cause before I could even open My apartment door all the way without legitimately fainting

bird2368 avatar

Oh.. yes i have it too. Sometimes even today. But cognitive behavioral therapy helped me a bit. The most helpful hack for me is to cut my nails weekly and to moisturizing my skin with a massage. But sometimes i have to much stress and i coulnd't stop it at one point.. .

InTheClouds avatar

You could take up crochet or something else that keeps your hands busy..? (Unfortunately it doesn’t stop me from biting my cheeks, sigh)

Vivi83 avatar

Ok, i‘ll try it 😊

bird2368 avatar

Because it calms me, my skin and my hands to do something there :-D

LionQueen avatar

THIS is the only thing that has helped me stop picking.

LionQueen avatar

Thanks for the tip about the bandaids will definitely be looking into this

modasodayoda avatar

Pro tip: buy hydrocolloid BANDAIDS instead. They are the EXACT same thing they just come in much bigger sizes which definitely is very helpful for people who’s skin picking isn’t limited to just the face but the body as well… such as myself. You can use them on your face as well though because again they are the EXACT same thing as acne patches the only difference being the size differences which is also a plus because you can cover larger areas and cut them into smaller pieces for smaller areas or on a pimple if one does pop up and the best part of all is they are a NONO FRACTION of the price and who doesn’t love saving money ( especially if youre someone like me who went goes through A LOT of them) and in My opinion and many others I’ve put on to this hack the hydrocolloid bandaids work much much better…… I wish everyone knew this hack even people who don’t skin pick & just use acne patches on… acne like I did before the skin picking started and turned Me into a full time skin picking solution researcher because acne patches definitely ain’t cheap not at all!

Vivi83 avatar

Thanks for your tip. I also have those in lots of different sizes but it only works when they are are put on the skin… as soon as the skin is free again, same trouble as always 😅

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