courtneyguerra avatar
1 year ago

Barely surviving

Currently in school and getting my PharmD. Not sure how I made it this far to be diagnosed at 31. Was started on Adderall then switched to Vyvanse when Adderall was nowhere in sight. Since switching to Vyvanse, I have had THE worst memory. It’s like I’m not even taking medication except for the TINIEST boost in the morning. Question being, how do YOU get around the ineffectiveness of a medication if the original is unavailable?

Denisse avatar

You probably already know this but in case you don’t, here it goes. I don’t know if that’s available where you live but maybe not buying the name brand but one that has the same chemical compounds. In the case of Aderrall it would be amphetamine/dextroamphetamine salts.

courtneyguerra avatar

@Denisse Vyvanse is only name brand here til the patent runs out which should be sometime this month but even then, generics don’t come along til a little later.

courtneyguerra avatar

@Bambilee Yes please! Yea I noticed a huge decline in memory and focus on Vyvanse. I have an appt Monday to get me switched back to Adderall.

BambiLee avatar

Sadly as a pharmacy technician, ik it's all generic and name brand Adderall. And on top of that pharmacies like to prioritize the kids, if it's an adult there are more likely to be rejections. As someone that takes Vyvanse though, I haven't had the issue of memory problems bc I aggressively would take notes. My pen wouldn't stop until a few minutes after class. Especially for pharmacy classes where the information doesn't stop. It's also been extremely helpful working in a pharmacy at the same time as well as listening to pharmacy podcasts on Spotify. I have a few recommendations if you'd like

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