Yes for me too. I was “diagnosed” when I was maybe 19 or 20yrs old, but I was pretty confused. Basically a counselor I was talking to about something completely different stopped me and asked if I’d ever considered the possibility of ADHD. I thought No way, but asked my doctor. She explained nothing, wrote a prescription for Strattera and that was kind of it. I felt like I was an imposter if I said I had it, because I wasn’t sure if it was a diagnosis or not. My neurologist sent me for a full work up about two years ago and I realized how uncomfortable the in between of “not knowing” was. For medications too, I always felt uncomfortable talking to doctors/pharmacies because I was afraid of them thinking I was a fake. Seems silly now because mine is so major😂. But that’s all probably RSD’s fault🙃. My brother no doubt has it too, but my diagnosis has been enough for him and just all of the information has helped him majorly.
That was probably more info than you asked for, but I guess it all comes down to how comfortable you feel with it and if you plan to try medication. I hope that was at least a little bit helpful. Wishing you the best! 🤍