goofy_goober avatar
1 year ago

Is an official diagnosis worth it?

Hey everyone! So I’ve always had a suspicion that I’ve had ADHD but with nothing really confirmed. However, in the past month I have come to the full realization that I almost certainly have undiagnosed ADHD. I was wondering, from more experienced individuals than myself, if getting an official diagnosis is worth it. Thanks!!! 🫶

sheldok2 avatar

I never considered I had ADHD until I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist six months ago (I struggle with major depressive disorder), but have not gone through the three-hour testing and don’t feel the need. After reading up on how symptoms differ for girls than boys in regards to emotional dysregulation and sensitivity, I agree with the diagnosis.

aTangle avatar

Yes for me too. I was “diagnosed” when I was maybe 19 or 20yrs old, but I was pretty confused. Basically a counselor I was talking to about something completely different stopped me and asked if I’d ever considered the possibility of ADHD. I thought No way, but asked my doctor. She explained nothing, wrote a prescription for Strattera and that was kind of it. I felt like I was an imposter if I said I had it, because I wasn’t sure if it was a diagnosis or not. My neurologist sent me for a full work up about two years ago and I realized how uncomfortable the in between of “not knowing” was. For medications too, I always felt uncomfortable talking to doctors/pharmacies because I was afraid of them thinking I was a fake. Seems silly now because mine is so major😂. But that’s all probably RSD’s fault🙃. My brother no doubt has it too, but my diagnosis has been enough for him and just all of the information has helped him majorly. That was probably more info than you asked for, but I guess it all comes down to how comfortable you feel with it and if you plan to try medication. I hope that was at least a little bit helpful. Wishing you the best! 🤍

KillerTofu avatar

Also being able to provide such a comprehensive report to doctors and therapists is super helpful for them and you!

KillerTofu avatar

Totally worth it! I got one for both my son and myself. The results were extremely detailed and extensive. It even tells us what areas of ADHD effect us the most; for example, impulsivity was big for both of us, tying into hyperactivity. So we're essentially both the impulsive/hyperactive ADHD (add majorly inattentive in there for my son though lmao). It went into even more detail than that, going as far as evaluating our intelligence. It does seem ADHD people are very smart, btw! We each spent three hours with the psychometrician. Had an interview and various computer tests. The whole experience was just super comprehensive and gave me so much new knowledge about both my son and me. It helps a lot because I know what we need to focus on in therapy and what tools work best for our type of ADHD

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