ashbell78 avatar
1 year ago

Hey I'm new!

I was officially diagnosed with adhd last year but I've known all my life I had all the experiences people on the spectrum had, and It effected me everyday. One thing that's helped is little spirally bracelets with tags that I write stuff to do on. That way when I complete a task I can physically take off the bracelets and hear the other tasks jingling. My question is how is do y'all motivate yourself when you're stuck in "analysis paralysis"? I get that all the time where there's so many tasks to do and I'm not sure what to do first so I just do nothing. Literally nothing, I sit and stare at a wall while overthinking.

vlad.numo avatar

Welcome 🤗

ashbell78 avatar

Thank you :))

noahdreas avatar

First of all welcome! I had a hard struggle with paralysis too. My way out is. First of all get a routine which includes daily tasks. Next thing is include in that routine some of your todos. So you say after brushing my teeth i take 30 min „taskTime“ where you just select the first task or a random task on your todo list. Since im doing it like this its super easy for me to do the tasks on a daily basis without thinking for days with which one I should start.

ashbell78 avatar

Thank you so much! I will try that !! It's always so hard to stay consistent but I'm gonna try it one step at a time :)

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