zonedout avatar
1 year ago

Emotional outbursts

Does anyone else sometimes get kind of random emotional outbursts when experiencing minor inconveniences? I just wanted to make some rice warm and was looking to add smth when my mom came and started to eat said rice (she didn’t knew i was going to make that so it’s not her fault) which kind of triggered an emotional outburst ending with me storming to my room and as soon as i was in bed i started to cry. Normally that situation wouldn’t put me off like that but idk it kind of was a lot going on lately and i think i may have bottled up those emotions and somehow they came up now. I hate when that happens bc it looks like i‘m over reacting and also bc most of the time i don’t even know why i reacted that way. Also when i start to cry in the and i most of the time don’t know why i am even crying which kinda feels stupid too. I guess the best way to prevent it would be not to bottle up my feelings but how do i stop myself from doing that if i don’t even realize that i’m doing it while i’m doing it? Idk i just was wondering if anyone else could relate or maybe has some advice Edit: Me being hungry or should i say hangry probably played into that too

arieladhd avatar

Yes I cry over things like a 5 year old and I’m almost 40, the upside is I get really happy over dumb stuff too!

b-alex avatar

Only just learned that this is a symptom of ADHD. It’s called “emotional dysregulation” and is def the most challenging aspect to overcome (challenging= feels impossible).

sjohn avatar

Me either until I got this app!

zonedout avatar

it is! i kinda knew about it but somehow i never made the connection to those kind of emotional outbursts 😅

moajune avatar

I found that for me it does not only have to do with hangryness- if we label it as mood swings it can even be connected to glucose peaks/ unevenly regulated blood sugar levels by eating food over the day in the wrong order/at wrong times.. (so now I own the book “der glukose trick” by jessie inchauspé- but yet have to read it- began changing my diet accordingly to some if it’s principles though) In general I also try to reduce my sugar consumption, which is difficult because I really have a sweet tooth, and often try to make up poor sleep/lack of sleep with binging on sugary unhealthy stuff- it can lead to eating chocolate first thing in the morning 🙀 So right next to control of sugar the other half of the plan involves getting enough sleep/ improving sleep hygiene But there is something much harder to tackle- not that easy to have control over- the effects the female cycle and the changing hormone balances..I really feel affected by it and what’s worse- sleep deprivation can make hormonal imbalances worse ://

zonedout avatar

yea i also struggle with the hormone changes specially a few days before my period starts

zonedout avatar

Thank you it’s good to know I’m not alone with this

catmaeleon avatar

When I am hangry, I am about 5 times more likely to have emotional outbursts. I, for example, yelled about 10 min straight at my gf about ME and MY fault putting two different make-up cleanser in one bottle and she had literally NOTHING to do with it 🙈 I am not sure how to deal with such emotional outbursts. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone with it (and not alone with crying afterwards, too). On second thought, I am trying to not judge myself so hard if I have such a strong reaction, because I try to treat myself like my own bestie and I would never judge other people's emotion so harshly like my own... what I am trying to say is: Be kind to yourself, because you definitely deserve it 😺

zonedout avatar

Thank you it’s good to know I’m not alone with this :)

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