tracejade96 avatar

I am 44, mine seems to have gotten worse as I got older. Changing hormones and stuff I am told. I am not medicated.

cjzoinks avatar

I’m a recently diagnosed 26 year old, so that’s my context for my answer. Since being diagnosed, I notice my adhd behaviour popping up so much more every day, but in the long run, it’s that awareness which will mean I can use what I’ve learned to manage it whenever I notice something unhelpful. I feel like the best way to see it is as if you and your brain are team mates rather than fighting each other, and you just gotta figure each other out and be more understanding and compassionate, alongside building your adhd management skills collection

ParabolicHeater avatar

Nail on the head

periodictable42 avatar

Yeah totally! If you get put on meds while you’re growing up you eventually learn the difference between you on and off the meds and learn what is expected of other people. I don’t think you’ll ever get full control over it but being able to recognize what is adhd and what is other thing really helps because then it allows you to get even a little bit of control over your ever chaotic brain. I’ve been taking my meds since I was in kindergarten and I’m a junior in high school now and I’ve been able to control my adhd enough to where I don’t need to take my mass as often but I still take it during school bc it helps with my memory problems, which is the thing I struggle with the most.

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