bricoley avatar
1 year ago

Parents of littles!

Any parents out there who can help? I have 3 kiddos in total. 2 of which are at home. (3 and 1) How in the world do yall navigate it? It's either I stay on task and get things done or one thing can happen and then I get so overwhelmed with stuff that I cannot do anything at all. Currently my house is a total wreck amd I just cannot find the motivation or time to do anything. I'm just trying to survive at this point. As long as the kids are fed and diapers are changed we are good. Trying to navigate parenting after the trauma of losing a child 4 years ago and not being on medication is really kicking my butt.

duchess avatar

I lost my second daughter 4 years ago in September. I now have a 7 & almost 2 year old. I feel like I'm drowning & am in constant shutdown. I hope you find some peace. Remember to be kind to yourself.

bricoley avatar

I am so sorry! It's a pain that no one really understands unless you've been in those shoes!

LillyLuna avatar

Try the free FlyLady app.. It breaks down your home into zones, and each week you spend time in a particular zone. My husband and I work full time with 2 kids, and the app along with her newsletter helps me stay on track. Just breathe and remember to take baby steps. Don’t look for perfectionism. Best of luck. 🍀

_sparkles_ avatar

It sounds like you are doing a great job! Don’t let social media convince you that super clean, organized homes are the norm for families, they just aren’t. Your house is there to be lived in. You are doing exactly what you need to do by caring for your kids needs and caring for yourself. Other stuff is all extra at this point.

bricoley avatar

Thank you ❤️

willowxharper avatar

Sorry I wish I could offer a great solution. Because this is a struggle I'm facing too. Exactly in the same trenches. And man, when I think I get the hang of it or "kinda caught up", something will always knock me right bk to square 1. But always remember what they say, "The comeback is always greater than the setbacks" 💯😊 Just never give up. You are a good momma! 🙏🏼❤️ here for you!

bricoley avatar

Thank you!

sebbasco avatar

"As long as the kids are fed and the diapers are changed we are good." That's okay, especially with so many young kids. I have accepted my house won't start to be clean again until my toddler is older. For what it's worth I love KC Davis, she has a website and is mainly active on Tiktok. She talks about how cleanliness is morally neutral and has lots of tips for getting things done.

bricoley avatar

Thank you!

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