gummygummy avatar
1 year ago

Adhd learning hack?

So i have a bad memory. But i love puzzles like the Rubix cube. What gives 🤷🏼‍♂️ I can learn complicated algorithms but I can’t find my keys. I have solved some of my learning issues but I’m always slower than most. I feel like using word association helps allot for me and making funny descriptions. I have also used the mind palace techniques. But then again I’m always loosing crap 😂

tessa❤️ avatar

Watching videos about the stuff you wanna learn helps, songs, drawing the subject, explaining and repetition

lizzyczubak avatar

One of my favorite things to do to keep my brain sharp is solving a sudoku puzzle. It helps keep my brain focused and it helps me from losing the sharpness of my brain

gummygummy avatar

Good plan! What just happened is I started cleaning the house and trying to clean up clutter and now my stuff is in new homes… that would explain why I’m losing everything

lizzyczubak avatar

Also I would suggest always leaving them in the same spot everyday. That helps you develop a routine and gets you used to where you put them. But it’s always hard when you put them somewhere other than where you usually put them to find them. But, soon enough you’ll get back into your routine.

huffpuff avatar

Word association is a huge thing for me too. Even when I tutor I use that. You can get tracking devices for your keys and stuff. That’s what I’m gonna do. For studying sometimes repetition is the only way. Explaining it to friends also helps. Depending on what you’re learning, I used to look up songs about the subjects. That helped too

gummygummy avatar

I have an apple tag! But not for everything 😂 At some point I’m probably going to have everything slapped with an apple tag 😂

mimjimkim avatar

I’m very similar. Can’t remember what I did yesterday but I can spout the first 20 elements of the periodic table that I learnt 30 years ago!

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