rodricklover avatar
10 months ago

Feeling guilty about anything

Something really important for me is being A good person but IM so easy to manipulate rn and IM aware of that. Feks My last year of highschool (2022-2023) i was bullied by my classmates and i was the only girl IN my class which made it worse. They pushed my limits so much and one Day i told them to kts which i know you should never tell anyone and i apologised the same Day. They continued their behaviour and would blame me all the time by bringing up that one thing and it made me feel so guilty and like i deserved it and i inow i dont but i still always think about small stuff like that and blame myself. Is this common for people with adhd? Do anyone relate feeling overly guilty over anything Even stuff thats out of their own control

ParabolicHeater avatar


ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

Omg yes I feel guilty about the smallest things

UndockingImp393 avatar

I believe it's definitely an adhd thing because it kind of falls in with people pleasing. I understand exactly what you mean.

Kerdie avatar

I think we are susceptible to gaslighting because our memories are bad or our perception of things is skewed. This leaves a huge opportunity for being taken advantage of and feeling guilty because we feel like that's our fault.

rodricklover avatar

Omg yesss every time i come into an argument or fight with someone i forget what happened right after i just remember i Have a reason to be mad but many times its hard to explain why. I mean i remember why but not the details

AnnHelen avatar

I don’t know if it’s an adhd thing, but it sure is a me thing 😔

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