ParabolicHeater avatar

Good idea asking this!

salmonboy avatar

When I started mine I was shaky but that goes away rather quickly. I found when I upped my dose to the level I needed it it made me feel like a wet piece of drywall. So if you find like the meds are changing your personality or making you sad talk to a doc about changing brands.

sunnysingh avatar

All the noises will quite down. You will be able to focus. You will lose your appetite. And might have trouble sleeping. Try to cycle and use meds as needed when starting. I tend to only take meds on days I really need it.

oopsIdiditagain avatar

My clinician is keen for me to do a week and let any adverse symptoms settle. Appetite has definitely gone which, as I am a binge eater for dopamine, may not be bad. Did you experience any anxiety at first?

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