Any advice? Mom always guilting me for things she doesn't understand
I'm 44 and had to move back home after a disaster marriage (he ended up being schizophrenic, but hid it until he couldn't anymore. The voices were too hard to ignore. ). Plus I'm a disabled veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom that has PTSD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and a bunch of physical issues. Haven't worked since 2015 and I'm on VA disability. But my mom constantly asks me when I'm going to get better, get a job, and move out. I assume that ADHD is like PTSD in that its something that is never "cured" just something that you can eventually learn to live with. So I'll never "get better" as she understands it. Yet she seems to refuse to learn about any of these problems so that she actually understands what is going on. It is frustrating to no end and I'm getting to the end of my rope, but I have no other options but to live here with her and my dad. Doesn't she realize that she is making things worse and that isn't gonna help me improve? So tired of sitting in my room alone crying!