yaaaaaa avatar
2 years ago

Managing mental health on period

My mind is flashing unhealthy past relationships and making my feel low in mood. How can I manage mental health whilst on my period, as this worsens my condition?

blondiefk avatar

I had PMDD and I didn't want to take meds for many reasons but in my 40s when I reached perimenopause it got REALLY bad and I ended up in the hospital for suicidal ideation and intent so I finally tried them and it helped. I'm also bipolar 1. Menopause has been another hormonal laugh riot with ADHD and bipolar disorder, let me tell you. But the telling myself it would pass worked for years. If you ever feel like it's not, get help. Please.

noelia avatar

For me it got worse after turning 35. Its like I just have one good week per month. But 10 days before my period I become more clumsy, more irritated on everyone, I feel like the whole world is stupid, I react more strongly on things, and feel very very low, nothing is fun. And everything with my adhd is more difficult. The doctor gave me anti-depression meds that is for PmDS so I eat them just the difficult days, and stop with them day 2 in the period. Some months I don’t take them at all. It works good for me

allthethings avatar

There’s a therapist whose reels I watch on Facebook (search “Flourish: Women with adhd”) and she’s taught me SO much about how adhd can impact women. She has two reels specifically addressing adhd and your cycle. I’m going to try pasting the links here: https://www.facebook.com/reel/756412859443711?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw https://www.facebook.com/reel/253816870351543?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw

allthethings avatar


hatter1997 avatar

Jesus i knoq what you mean, 2 weeks before my period i get severe depression and thinking of suicide, during my period i cant move around because of my mood Same thing every month

Tamaly avatar

⬆️ yes, that’s how I was. I finally figured out when ever I felt suicidal I was on my period. Once I realized that I knew it would pass, even though it felt like it wouldn’t. I would just tell myself I did really want to die and wait a couple of days. It is soooo hard.

samchop avatar

Have you ever been diagnosed with pmdd? I wonder if adhd makes us more likely to have that. I used to feel suicidal when mine came but birth control helped a little. Buspirone was amazing for the emotional parts, but I had to get off of it

SpaceMan96 avatar

Hope your okay!

ZinPin avatar

I’ve recently started taking Olly’s Ultra strength Goodbye stress supplement. It’s definitely taken the edge off some intense emotions I’ve had lately. It’s four main ingredients can also be great supports for adhd symptoms.

amna17 avatar

Omg this defines how i feel on my periods, so low & negative. I have figured, there is no way around. I just keep telling myself that it will pass in couple of days. I do very veryyyy small tasks to keep going. I try to be aware & mindful of what I am thinking & when i realize i am spiraling down, i distract myself with tv or a book or a chore or scrolling on phone. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t. Just reminding myself again & again to let it pass through helps. Not going to lie though it’s painful every month still.

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