Laz3L avatar
1 year ago


Any hack how to make yourself read books? I really struggle to read more than even first 20 pages of any book even if it seems extremely interesting to me at the beginning. And now I am assigned to read a book at work as a part of growth program, but I just can’t. Audiobook is not an option as well - I will just hear it as a white noise, not getting any info from it 😭

nicophinerine avatar

Bionic reading heavily helps me with cognition and active reading and understanding. You could also try the SwiftRead extension - speedreading makes you focus more and pay attention, and I also find it super fun!

birdiesings avatar

Maybe try stopping when you hit your limit. Set a timer to do something else and see if you can return to it. Doing it in increments could be the key. Less overwhelm.

julesk avatar

Kindle or just on your phone. Couldn’t read much until I found the right books/genres for me. And I make it a rule to stop reading if I don’t enjoy it… then it’s onto the next one. The % in the corner of the kindle app motivates me. It’s also easy to read in the dark and in bed. Even when laying on the side. Also, booktok on tiktok gives me short ‘trailers’ (if you will) of books and then I notice if I like it and I’ll start reading more quickly. If there’s something on my TBR I like to search for videos as well. It helps to hear other people talk about it. Allow yourself to read multiple books at once. You can’t be in the same mood every day

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