Adhd & Meditation
Is there a single person with ADHD who has managed to meditate with good results? It seems to me completely incompatible with attention problems...
Is there a single person with ADHD who has managed to meditate with good results? It seems to me completely incompatible with attention problems...
Sadly when I was put on antidepressants for my anxiety, it made my attention issues so much worse. I hope other people have more positive experiences they can tell you about though :)
Here is a great article from additudemag.com on meditation and adhd. https://www.additudemag.com/how-to-meditate-for-adhd-symptoms/
Playne on Steam helped me for a bit, but couldn't commit to it anymore eventually, as usual. Managed to be able to relax to hypnosis audio, though. After years of practice, though :,)
Yin yoga or Pilates work well for me. I do meditate as well but has to break through some time until I could really be present.
yoga or pilates or other movement based combined with breathing gets me in a “meditative” state better than sitting down… because yeah not enough going on to keep my attention
I struggled with this for a looooooooong time, especially because I wasn't equipped to handle actually realising how anxious/fidgety I was ALL the time, but just noticing that is already meditating.
Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting on the floor in silence. It means to focus on one thing with intensity. Ex: learning to play a song on an instrument. Playing guitar has probably saved my life
Last year i was focus on it , but then i lost it.. i would like to start again . It helped me a lot
I do a body scan meditation technique, focusing attention on each part of the body starting at the toes. The headspace app is great, because they're guided meditations.
I forgot to mention that one thing that does work for me is practicing mindfulness in everyday life activities. For example, while doing the dishes, I try to focus on each step: "I'm picking up the plate", "I'm scrubbing it clean", "I'm rinsing it" etc.
I focus on my breathing and do it before bed. Eyes closed, fill my lungs as much as I can and empty them as much as I can I think both in and out are a 5 second count. And hold for 10 seconds in between. People don’t breathe enough. Especially people with anxiety and depression. Which are both 2nd to ADHD
hahaha, just finished my so many attempted effort of meditation for 10 min. I think i managed it for about 20 sec total of those ten minutes to focus on my breathing 😅
I’ve been blessed with the insight that reciting out loud helps me to focus and have khushu when praying.
headspace is a great app helped to start with, and then I also tried calm after and I really enjoyed some of calms meditations really good
I use meditation guides in the “FitOn” app. Listening to someone speak keeps me on track so my mind doesn’t wander off
Don't start big. Insight Timer is a good app with loads of guided meditations of various lengths. It is a practice, i.e. you get better if you stick with it. Like anything, if it's new it will be less easy.
I had a great deal of difficulty with still meditation. If I am doing a moving meditation I can focus, concentrate and be more present. Now that I have improved with movement based meditations the still meditations are becoming more doable.
Try throwing yourself into a Vipassana 10-day retreat, with medication (yes it’s very daunting for adhd). It’s hardly possible for me to keep myself down and meditate for more than 10 minutes. But in the last day of the retreat I could easily sit there for 90mins, really meditating.
I find meditation difficult since I also have tinnitus. It’s seems loudest when my environment is quiet. Music helps. Being in nature helps, too. I recently bought a chair swing. I don’t know why but sitting in it seems to put my mind into a different space and allows my body to relax. I haven’t tried it yet but I thought that listening to music on my headphones while sitting in my chair swing might allow me to meditate more effectively.
I have tried using different apps and programs (headspace among others), but I can't stick with it, and long sessions are haaaard.
Yes, I used an awesome game called PLAYNE. It worked for me because there were visuals to guide my breathing, calming audio, and the fox friend was always there. Also the gamified nature of it. I managed it consistently for a couple of months.
I can only meditate if I have background noise to close off the static in my brain. Deep brown noise has the best results. I can meditate for a few short minutes without a single thought.